Helping students take the next step.

The Graves Center for 职业与职业 is your one-stop office for:

  • 讨论 潜在的职业道路
  • 的评估 激情、目标和技能 走向职业认同
  • 的位置 实习 职业探索
  • 指导 主修,辅修和课程 that position students for career success 
  • 关于建立一个 专业的网络
  • Assistance with job and graduate/professional school applications, including 简历和求职信
  • Preparation for job and graduate/professional school 面试
  • 最佳选择的确定 毕业后的目标 和策略 有效的新员工培训
  • Want to know more about our graduate outcomes? 点击 在这里!

Make an appointment by calling 502-863-8383, sending a message to (电子邮件保护), or visiting the Graves Center inside Highbaugh Hall.

93% Pursuing 职业生涯s or Continuing Education

We are effective at helping students connect their GC experience to impactful professional pursuits upon graduation. Over 93% of students have reported pursuing desired employment or continuing education after graduation!

#1 College in Kentucky for Job Placement

Georgetown College is ranked the #1 college in Kentucky for job placement based on the U.S. Department of Education scorecard data.

We are a current member of National Association of Colleges & Employers and the Association of Independent Kentucky Colleges and Universities

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